Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping Carriers

How can you get User Id, Password and Account No?

It is very simple, Please follow these steps:

  1. Click profile to select Accounts and Payment option

2. Copy account method number.

Access Licences No =>
1. Login in UPS Developer Kit to select Request an access key option.

2. Get started required option selected to Next button.

3. Contact indicates required field enter to Next button.

4.Review your all request check to submit request.

5. Confirmation tab copy your access Key.

How can you manage Account No?

It is very simple, Please follow these steps:

  1. Click to My Profile option.

2. Click to Account management tab.

3. Copy Account No.

  • Meter No
  1. Go to
  2. Sign in using your FedEx account credentials.
  3. Using the left menu bar, click on FedEx Web Services and then click on Move to Production.
  4. Scroll down the page and click on Get Production Key.
  5. Enter the required information in the FedEx registration form (see tips about answers below).
  6. Once you have completed the final step, you will be presented with your Meter Number.
  7. Use this meter number in your FedEx Carrier connection on ShipHero. On the main navigation menu, click: Shipping > Carriers. Then under Add a New Carrier, select FedEx in the drop-down menu. Type in the Meter number under Meter Number on the pop-up window.

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