Download your product SKU template now. You can find all SKU numbers that is an important part of the inventory management process.

Please download the template and fill them in for your order. Don’t change the column definition to keep them recognized.

Uploading orders, RMA file or need to ship orders to here. These orders will download to Myshop in automation, print order thru there.

Grouping the Printer

The Dropshipping model enables companies to outsource their order fulfillment directly to the manufacturer’s factory. By connecting distributors, wholesalers, subscribers, and other entities’ printers into a factory group, businesses can benefit from economies of scale, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. In this model, the manufacturer takes on the responsibility of storing, packing, and shipping products to the customers, which relieves the company of the burden of maintaining inventory and managing the fulfillment process.

Phone order, RMA return and Sample order

MyShop is particularly useful for businesses that receive orders through multiple sources, such as phone calls, email, social media, or in-person at a physical store. It can streamline the entire process, from order placement to fulfillment, and even handle returns and exchanges. This can save time, improve accuracy, and ultimately enhance the customer experience. By using MyShop, businesses can manage their orders more effectively and focus on other aspects of their business, such as product development and marketing.

Overall, Automation order service is a powerful shipping solution that offers a range of features to help you manage and streamline your order and  shipping operations. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large enterprise, Automation service has everything you need to take control of your shipping process and grow your business.

Support Hardware

To execute the set up policy in Kommerce, hardware is necessary. The system can be set up using either an Anyware or Automation printer, and there is no need for a separate PC. Simply connect a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to the hardware, and the system will be dedicated to your shipping station.


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